Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February Fundraising

75 days until the Boston Marathon. Gulp. I'm a *tad* behind in the fundraising department, but February is chockfull of events, so I hope to up my game (and my donations) this month
1. Superbowl Squares for CHARITY-Come on, we all know every one does squares for the Superbowl, so why not help kids in the process? Here's the breakdown:
go to:
BEFORE the big game on Feb 6th. Pick a square-$20 each. Pay by either cash, check or credit card here
and state in the comments its for Squares). Sit back and wait for your chance to make $500. Cash Prizes are as follows:
First Quarter Score = $125.00 (12.5% of winnings)
Half Time = $250.00 (25% of winnings)
Third Quarter = $125.00 (12.5 % of winnings)
Final Score = $500.00 (50% of winnings)

Can't get better than that, folks. Half of the pot will go to my fundraising efforts. Everyone wins. The end.

2. My Lia Sophia party. So I picked a really poor date to have this-I guess its the night of the Horne Street School band concert, so that just ruled out about 95% of the people I invited. Boo for me. BUT people can STILL order through the website at Lia Sophia website 50% of the sales will go to GoKids Boston! And the jewelry is beautiful.
And I'm still having the party. So what if I have to eat all of the cheese and crackers by myself.

3. Five Below-The Five Below store in Newington, NH is giving me an entire week where I will receive 10% of the sales if people bring in the GoKids Flyer, which I will post here and on FB when the time gets closer. The dates are Feb 19th- 26th, Mon-Sat 10am-9pm, Sun 11am-6pm

4. Chuck-E-Cheese Fundraiser-Another great fundraiser that requires a flyer, so again, I'll post when the time is closer. Feb 24th, starting at 3pm-the Chuck-E-Cheese in Newington, NH.

March has my big Spring Fling Workout Extravaganza, which will be held in Guilford, CT. My AWESOME sister is putting this on at the Guilford Park and Rec, where you can attend a workout class (or many) and all of the $ raised will be going to GoKids Boston. Woo hoo!! March 5th. And there is going to be a kick butt raffle, filled with the most amazing items donated to me by fitness personalities, running companies and other health related groups.

Phew-it hasnt even started and I'm already tired! And somehow, I need to keep running 40 miles a week in addition to everything else :)
A big thanks to everyone who has supported my fundraising efforts thus far!!

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